Third, the China International Fair for Investment and Trade
Source: | Author:pmod93487 | Published time: 2016-09-18 | 811 Views | Share:

Third, the China International Fair for Investment and Trade
Show Name: China International Fair for Investment and Trade
Venue: Xiamen, China
Duration: September 8 every year
Highlights: the world's largest investment exhibition
Exhibition Overview: China International Fair for Investment and Trade (referred to as "the Fair") to "bringing in" and "going out" as the theme to "outstanding national and international, investment negotiation and investment policy promotion, highlighting national and regional coordinated economic development, highlighting economic and trade exchanges with Taiwan "as the main character, it is currently China's only international investment for the purpose of promoting two-way investment promotion activities, but also by UFI (UFI) certification of the world's largest investment exhibition.
Quality reason: CIFIT not only comprehensively showcases China's provinces, autonomous regions and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region of the investment environment, investment policies, investment projects and corporate products, but also attracted investment from dozens of countries and regions promotion agencies come to the exhibition and hold investment seminars, promotion. The CIFIT investment project matchmaking can be set up for the investors and the business side of the project docking platform to facilitate the docking of capital and projects, promote investment and project financing process. CIFIT rich activities, many institutional investors, a huge project database, efficient matching docking, business opportunities will bring you to the Fair.